Source code for aiida_gulp.parsers.raw.write_geometry

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-gulp.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
import numpy as np

from aiida_gulp.symmetry import convert_structure, operation_cart_to_frac
from aiida_gulp.symmetry import get_crystal_type_name
from aiida_gulp.validation import validate_against_schema

[docs]def create_geometry_lines(structure_data, symmetry_data=None, name="main-geometry"): """Create list of lines for geometry section of ``.gin``. Parameters ---------- structure_data: aiida.StructureData or dict or ase.Atoms dict with keys: 'pbc', 'atomic_numbers', 'ccoords', 'lattice', or ase.Atoms, or any object that has method structure_data.get_ase() symmetry_data: dict or None keys; 'operations', 'basis', 'crystal_type_name'/'hall_number' name: str name to assign geometry Returns ------- list[str] """ lines = ["name {}".format(name)] atoms = convert_structure(structure_data, "ase") if sum(atoms.get_pbc()) == 1: if symmetry_data is not None: raise NotImplementedError("cannot set symmetry data for 1D structures") return create_1d_geometry(lines, atoms) if not all(atoms.get_pbc()): # TODO For 2D use svectors and sfractional, # can you specify symmetry operations? raise NotImplementedError("2-D periodicity") if symmetry_data is None: pass # symmetry_data = structure_to_symmetry(structure_data) else: validate_against_schema(symmetry_data, "symmetry.schema.json") # add cell vectors lines.append("vectors") for vector in atoms.cell: lines.append("{0:.6f} {1:.6f} {2:.6f}".format(*vector)) # add atomic sites lines.append("cartesian") if symmetry_data is not None: # if symmetry operations are specified, # then only symmetry inequivalent sites should be added if "equivalent_sites" not in symmetry_data: raise KeyError("symmetry data does not contain the 'equivalent_sites' key") equivalent = symmetry_data["equivalent_sites"] if atoms.get_number_of_atoms() != len(equivalent): raise ValueError( "number of atomic sites != number of symmetry equivalent sites" ) used_equivalents = [] for site, eq in zip(atoms, equivalent): if eq not in used_equivalents: lines.append( "{0} core {1:.6f} {2:.6f} {3:.6f}".format( site.symbol, *site.position ) ) used_equivalents.append(eq) else: for site in atoms: lines.append( "{0} core {1:.6f} {2:.6f} {3:.6f}".format(site.symbol, *site.position) ) # TODO creating shell models # TODO could also use `spacegroup` (and `origin`) to set symmetry # add crystal type of symmetry if symmetry_data is not None: hall_number = symmetry_data.get("hall_number", None) crystal_type_name = symmetry_data.get("crystal_type_name", None) if crystal_type_name is None and hall_number is not None: crystal_type_name = get_crystal_type_name(hall_number) if crystal_type_name is not None: if crystal_type_name in ["trigonal", "rhombohedral"]: crystal_type_name = "hexagonal" assert crystal_type_name in [ "triclinic", "monoclinic", "orthorhombic", "tetragonal", "hexagonal", "rhombohedral", "cubic", ], crystal_type_name lines.append("symmetry_cell {}".format(crystal_type_name)) # add symmetry operations if symmetry_data is not None: operations = symmetry_data["operations"] if operations and symmetry_data["basis"] == "cartesian": operations = operation_cart_to_frac(operations, atoms.cell) for op in operations: if np.allclose(op, [1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1, 0, 0, 0]): # identity matrix is not required continue lines.append("symmetry_operator") lines.append( "{0:8.5f} {1:8.5f} {2:8.5f} {3:8.5f}".format(op[0], op[3], op[6], op[9]) ) lines.append( "{0:8.5f} {1:8.5f} {2:8.5f} {3:8.5f}".format( op[1], op[4], op[7], op[10] ) ) lines.append( "{0:8.5f} {1:8.5f} {2:8.5f} {3:8.5f}".format( op[2], op[5], op[8], op[11] ) ) return lines
[docs]def create_1d_geometry(lines, atoms): """ create 1D (polymer) geometry lines """ # TODO creating shell models validate_1d_geometry(atoms) lines.append("pcell") lines.append("{0:.6f}".format(atoms.cell[0][0])) lines.append("pfractional") symbols = atoms.get_chemical_symbols() fcoords = atoms.get_scaled_positions() ccoords = atoms.positions for symbol, fcoords, ccoords in zip(symbols, fcoords, ccoords): lines.append( "{0} core {1:.6f} {2:.6f} {3:.6f}".format( symbol, fcoords[0], ccoords[1], ccoords[2] ) ) return lines
[docs]def validate_1d_geometry(structure): """ validate a 1-d structure """ if not list(structure.pbc) == [True, False, False]: raise NotImplementedError( "a 1-D structure can only be periodic in the x-direction" ) expected_cell = np.eye(3) for i in range(3): expected_cell[i][i] = structure.cell[i][i] if not np.allclose(structure.cell, expected_cell): raise NotImplementedError( "a 1-D structure cell must be of the form " "[[x, 0, 0], [0, y, 0], [0, 0, z]]: {}".format(structure.cell) )