Source code for aiida_gulp.potentials.raw_reaxff

#!/usr/bin/env python
# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
# Copyright 2019 Chris Sewell
# This file is part of aiida-gulp.
# This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify
# it under the terms and conditions
# of version 3 of the GNU Lesser General Public License.
# This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
# GNU Lesser General Public License for more details.
from collections import OrderedDict
import textwrap

from aiida_gulp.common.parsing import split_numbers
from aiida_gulp.validation import validate_against_schema
from aiida_gulp.potentials.common import INDEX_SEP

    "Triple bond stabilisation 1",
    "Triple bond stabilisation 2",
    "Triple bond stabilisation",
    "Triple bond stabilization energy",
    "Lower Taper-radius",
    "Upper Taper-radius",
    "Not used 2",
    "Not used 3",
    "Not used 4",
    "bond order cutoff",
    "Not used 5",
    "Not used 6",
    "Not used 7",
    "Not used 8",

# TODO some variables lammps sets as global are actually species dependant in GULP, how to handle these?







    # ReaxFF angle/torsion bond order threshold,
    # for bond orders in valence, penalty and 3-body conjugation
    # GULP default: 0.001
    ("anglemin", 0.001),
    # ReaxFF bond order double product threshold,
    # for the product of bond orders (1-2 x 2-3, where 2 = pivot)
    # Hard coded to 0.001 in original code, but this leads to discontinuities
    # GULP default: 0.000001
    ("angleprod", 0.00001),
    # ReaxFF hydrogen-bond bond order threshold
    # Hard coded to 0.01 in original code.
    # GULP default: 0.01
    ("hbondmin", 0.01),
    # ReaxFF H-bond cutoff
    # Hard coded to 7.5 Ang in original code.
    # GULP default: 7.5
    ("hbonddist", 7.5),
    # ReaxFF bond order triple product threshold,
    # for the product of bond orders (1-2 x 2-3 x 3-4)
    # GULP default: 0.000000001
    ("torsionprod", 0.00001),

[docs]def read_lammps_format(lines, tolerances=None): """Read a reaxff file, in lammps format, to a standardised potential dictionary. Parameters ---------- lines : list[str] tolerances : dict or None tolerances to set, that are not specified in the file. Returns ------- dict Notes ----- Default tolerances: - anglemin: 0.001 - angleprod: 0.001 - hbondmin: 0.01 - hbonddist: 7.5 - torsionprod: 1e-05 """ output = { "description": lines[0], "global": {}, "species": ["X core"], # X is always first "1body": {}, "2body": {}, "3body": {}, "4body": {}, } lineno = 1 # Global parameters if lines[lineno].split()[0] != str(len(KEYS_GLOBAL)): raise IOError("Expecting {} global parameters".format(len(KEYS_GLOBAL))) for key in KEYS_GLOBAL: lineno += 1 output["global"][key] = float(lines[lineno].split()[0]) output["global"][ "reaxff2_pen3" ] = 1.0 # this is not provided by lammps, but is used by GULP tolerances = tolerances or {} output["global"].update({k: tolerances.get(k, v) for k, v in DEFAULT_TOLERANCES}) # one-body parameters lineno += 1 num_species = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 3 idx = 1 for i in range(num_species): lineno += 1 symbol, values = lines[lineno].split(None, 1) if symbol == "X": species_idx = 0 # the X symbol is always assigned index 0 else: species_idx = idx idx += 1 output["species"].append(symbol + " core") values = split_numbers(values) for _ in range(3): lineno += 1 values.extend(split_numbers(lines[lineno])) if len(values) != len(KEYS_1BODY): raise Exception( "number of values different than expected for species {0}, " "{1} != {2}".format(symbol, len(values), len(KEYS_1BODY)) ) key_map = {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_1BODY, values)} key_map["reaxff1_lonepair1"] = 0.5 * ( key_map["reaxff1_valence3"] - key_map["reaxff1_valence1"] ) output["1body"][str(species_idx)] = key_map # two-body bond parameters lineno += 1 num_lines = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 2 for _ in range(num_lines): values = split_numbers(lines[lineno]) + split_numbers(lines[lineno + 1]) species_idx1 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx2 = int(values.pop(0)) key_name = "{}-{}".format(species_idx1, species_idx2) lineno += 2 if len(values) != len(KEYS_2BODY_BONDS): raise Exception( "number of bond values different than expected for key {0}, " "{1} != {2}".format(key_name, len(values), len(KEYS_2BODY_BONDS)) ) output["2body"][key_name] = {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_2BODY_BONDS, values)} # two-body off-diagonal parameters num_lines = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 1 for _ in range(num_lines): values = split_numbers(lines[lineno]) species_idx1 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx2 = int(values.pop(0)) key_name = "{}-{}".format(species_idx1, species_idx2) lineno += 1 if len(values) != len(KEYS_2BODY_OFFDIAG): raise Exception( "number of off-diagonal values different than expected for key {0} (line {1}), " "{2} != {3}".format( key_name, lineno - 1, len(values), len(KEYS_2BODY_OFFDIAG) ) ) output["2body"].setdefault(key_name, {}).update( {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_2BODY_OFFDIAG, values)} ) # three-body angle parameters num_lines = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 1 for _ in range(num_lines): values = split_numbers(lines[lineno]) species_idx1 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx2 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx3 = int(values.pop(0)) key_name = "{}-{}-{}".format(species_idx1, species_idx2, species_idx3) lineno += 1 if len(values) != len(KEYS_3BODY_ANGLES): raise Exception( "number of angle values different than expected for key {0} (line {1}), " "{2} != {3}".format( key_name, lineno - 1, len(values), len(KEYS_3BODY_ANGLES) ) ) output["3body"].setdefault(key_name, {}).update( {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_3BODY_ANGLES, values)} ) # four-body torsion parameters num_lines = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 1 for _ in range(num_lines): values = split_numbers(lines[lineno]) species_idx1 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx2 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx3 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx4 = int(values.pop(0)) key_name = "{}-{}-{}-{}".format( species_idx1, species_idx2, species_idx3, species_idx4 ) lineno += 1 if len(values) != len(KEYS_4BODY_TORSION): raise Exception( "number of torsion values different than expected for key {0} (line {1}), " "{2} != {3}".format( key_name, lineno - 1, len(values), len(KEYS_4BODY_TORSION) ) ) output["4body"].setdefault(key_name, {}).update( {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_4BODY_TORSION, values)} ) # three-body h-bond parameters num_lines = int(lines[lineno].split()[0]) lineno += 1 for _ in range(num_lines): values = split_numbers(lines[lineno]) species_idx1 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx2 = int(values.pop(0)) species_idx3 = int(values.pop(0)) key_name = "{}-{}-{}".format(species_idx1, species_idx2, species_idx3) lineno += 1 if len(values) != len(KEYS_3BODY_HBOND): raise Exception( "number of h-bond values different than expected for key {0} (line {1}), " "{2} != {3}".format( key_name, lineno - 1, len(values), len(KEYS_3BODY_HBOND) ) ) output["3body"].setdefault(key_name, {}).update( {k: v for k, v in zip(KEYS_3BODY_HBOND, values)} ) return output
[docs]def format_lammps_value(value): return "{:.4f}".format(value)
[docs]def write_lammps_format(data): """Write a reaxff file, in lammps format, from a standardised potential dictionary.""" # validate dictionary validate_against_schema(data, "potential.reaxff.schema.json") output = [data["description"]] # Global parameters output.append("{} ! Number of general parameters".format(len(KEYS_GLOBAL))) for key in KEYS_GLOBAL: output.append("{0:.4f} ! {1}".format(data["global"][key], key)) # one-body parameters output.extend( [ "{0} ! Nr of atoms; cov.r; valency;a.m;Rvdw;Evdw;gammaEEM;cov.r2;#".format( len(data["species"]) ), "alfa;gammavdW;valency;Eunder;Eover;chiEEM;etaEEM;n.u.", "cov r3;Elp;Heat inc.;n.u.;n.u.;n.u.;n.u.", "ov/un;val1;n.u.;val3,vval4", ] ) idx_map = {} i = 1 x_species_line = None for idx, species in enumerate(data["species"]): if species.endswith("shell"): raise ValueError( "only core species can be used for reaxff, not shell: {}".format( species ) ) species = species[:-5] # X is not always present in 1body, even if it is used in nbody terms # see e.g. if species == "X" and str(idx) not in data["1body"]: species_lines = [] else: species_lines = [ species + " " + " ".join( [ format_lammps_value(data["1body"][str(idx)][k]) for k in KEYS_1BODY[:8] ] ), " ".join( [ format_lammps_value(data["1body"][str(idx)][k]) for k in KEYS_1BODY[8:16] ] ), " ".join( [ format_lammps_value(data["1body"][str(idx)][k]) for k in KEYS_1BODY[16:24] ] ), " ".join( [ format_lammps_value(data["1body"][str(idx)][k]) for k in KEYS_1BODY[24:32] ] ), ] if species == "X": # X is always index 0, but must be last in the species list idx_map[str(idx)] = "0" x_species_line = species_lines else: idx_map[str(idx)] = str(i) i += 1 output.extend(species_lines) if x_species_line: output.extend(x_species_line) # two-body angle parameters suboutout = [] for key in sorted(data["2body"]): subdata = data["2body"][key] if not set(subdata.keys()).issuperset(KEYS_2BODY_BONDS): continue suboutout.extend( [ " ".join([idx_map[k] for k in key.split(INDEX_SEP)]) + " " + " ".join( [format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_2BODY_BONDS[:8]] ), " ".join( [format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_2BODY_BONDS[8:16]] ), ] ) output.extend( [ "{0} ! Nr of bonds; Edis1;LPpen;n.u.;pbe1;pbo5;13corr;pbo6".format( int(len(suboutout) / 2) ), "pbe2;pbo3;pbo4;n.u.;pbo1;pbo2;ovcorr", ] + suboutout ) # two-body off-diagonal parameters suboutout = [] for key in sorted(data["2body"]): subdata = data["2body"][key] if not set(subdata.keys()).issuperset(KEYS_2BODY_OFFDIAG): continue suboutout.extend( [ " ".join([idx_map[k] for k in key.split(INDEX_SEP)]) + " " + " ".join( [format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_2BODY_OFFDIAG] ) ] ) output.extend( [ "{0} ! Nr of off-diagonal terms; Ediss;Ro;gamma;rsigma;rpi;rpi2".format( len(suboutout) ) ] + suboutout ) # three-body angle parameters suboutout = [] for key in sorted(data["3body"]): subdata = data["3body"][key] if not set(subdata.keys()).issuperset(KEYS_3BODY_ANGLES): continue suboutout.extend( [ " ".join([idx_map[k] for k in key.split(INDEX_SEP)]) + " " + " ".join([format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_3BODY_ANGLES]) ] ) output.extend( ["{0} ! Nr of angles;at1;at2;at3;Thetao,o;ka;kb;pv1;pv2".format(len(suboutout))] + suboutout ) # four-body torsion parameters suboutout = [] for key in sorted(data["4body"]): subdata = data["4body"][key] if not set(subdata.keys()).issuperset(KEYS_4BODY_TORSION): continue suboutout.extend( [ " ".join([idx_map[k] for k in key.split(INDEX_SEP)]) + " " + " ".join( [format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_4BODY_TORSION] ) ] ) output.extend( [ "{0} ! Nr of torsions;at1;at2;at3;at4;;V1;V2;V3;V2(BO);vconj;n.u;n".format( len(suboutout) ) ] + suboutout ) # three-body h-bond parameters suboutout = [] for key in sorted(data["3body"]): subdata = data["3body"][key] if not set(subdata.keys()).issuperset(KEYS_3BODY_HBOND): continue suboutout.extend( [ " ".join([idx_map[k] for k in key.split(INDEX_SEP)]) + " " + " ".join([format_lammps_value(subdata[k]) for k in KEYS_3BODY_HBOND]) ] ) output.extend( ["{0} ! Nr of hydrogen bonds;at1;at2;at3;Rhb;Dehb;vhb1".format(len(suboutout))] + suboutout ) output.append("") return "\n".join(output)
[docs]def write_gulp_format( data, fitting_data=None, global_val_fmt="{:.5E}", species_val_fmt="{:.5E}" ): """Write a reaxff file, in GULP format, from a standardised potential dictionary NOTE: GULP only read a line up to ~80 characters, `&` can be used to break a line into two lines NOTE GULP outputs to 6 dp energies should be supplied in kcal (the default of the lammps file format) """ # validate dictionary validate_against_schema(data, "potential.reaxff.schema.json") if fitting_data is not None: validate_against_schema(fitting_data, "fitting.reaxff.schema.json") for species in data["species"]: if species.endswith("shell"): # TODO is this true? raise ValueError( "only core species can be used for reaxff, not shell: {}".format( species ) ) species = species[:-5] total_flags = 0 # total number of variables with a flag fitting_flags = 0 # number of variables with a flag set to 1 # header output = [ "#", "# ReaxFF force field", "#", "# Original paper:", "#", "# A.C.T. van Duin, S. Dasgupta, F. Lorant and W.A. Goddard III,", "# J. Phys. Chem. A, 105, 9396-9409 (2001)", "#", "# Parameters description:", "#", "# {}".format(data["description"]), "#", "# Cutoffs for VDW & Coulomb terms", "#", "reaxFFvdwcutoff {:14.6E}".format(data["global"]["Upper Taper-radius"]), "reaxFFqcutoff {:14.6E}".format(data["global"]["Upper Taper-radius"]), "#", "# Bond order threshold - check anglemin as this is cutof2 given in control file", "#", "reaxFFtol {:.6E} {:.6E} {:.6E} &".format( data["global"]["bond order cutoff"] * 0.01, *[ data["global"].get(k, dict(DEFAULT_TOLERANCES)[k]) for k in "anglemin angleprod".split() ] ), " {:.6E} {:.6E} {:.6E}".format( *[ data["global"].get(k, dict(DEFAULT_TOLERANCES)[k]) for k in "hbondmin hbonddist torsionprod".split() ] ), "#", ] # global parameters output.append("# Species independent parameters") output.append("#") fields = OrderedDict( [ ("reaxff0_bond", ["reaxff0_boc1", "reaxff0_boc2"]), ( "reaxff0_over", [ "reaxff0_ovun3", "reaxff0_ovun4", "reaxff0_ovun6", "reaxff0_ovun7", "reaxff0_ovun8", ], ), ( "reaxff0_valence", ["reaxff0_val7", "reaxff0_val8", "reaxff0_val9", "reaxff0_val10"], ), ("reaxff0_penalty", ["reaxff0_pen2", "reaxff0_pen3", "reaxff0_pen4"]), ( "reaxff0_torsion", ["reaxff0_tor2", "reaxff0_tor3", "reaxff0_tor4", "reaxff0_cot2"], ), ("reaxff0_vdw", ["reaxff0_vdw1"]), ("reaxff0_lonepair", ["reaxff0_lp1"]), ] ) for field, variables in fields.items(): total_flags += len(variables) string = "{:17}".format(field) + " ".join( [global_val_fmt.format(data["global"][v]) for v in variables] ) if fitting_data is not None: fitting_flags += sum( [1 if v in fitting_data.get("global", []) else 0 for v in variables] ) string += " " + " ".join( ["1" if v in fitting_data.get("global", []) else "0" for v in variables] ) lines = textwrap.wrap(string, 78) if len(lines) > 2: raise IOError( "the line cannot be coerced to fit within the 80 character limit: {}".format( string ) ) elif len(lines) > 1: output.append("{} &".format(lines[0])) output.append(" {}".format(lines[1])) else: output.append(string) # one-body parameters output.append("#") output.append("# One-Body Parameters") output.append("#") fields = { "reaxff1_radii": ["reaxff1_radii1", "reaxff1_radii2", "reaxff1_radii3"], "reaxff1_valence": [ "reaxff1_valence1", "reaxff1_valence2", "reaxff1_valence3", "reaxff1_valence4", ], "reaxff1_over": [ "reaxff1_over1", "reaxff1_over2", "reaxff1_over3", "reaxff1_over4", ], "reaxff1_under": ["reaxff1_under"], "reaxff1_lonepair": ["reaxff1_lonepair1", "reaxff1_lonepair2"], "reaxff1_angle": ["reaxff1_angle1", "reaxff1_angle2"], "reaxff1_morse": [ "reaxff1_morse1", "reaxff1_morse2", "reaxff1_morse3", "reaxff1_morse4", ], "reaxff_chi": ["reaxff_chi"], "reaxff_mu": ["reaxff_mu"], "reaxff_gamma": ["reaxff_gamma"], } arguments = { "reaxff1_under": ["kcal"], "reaxff1_lonepair": ["kcal"], "reaxff1_morse": ["kcal"], } field_lines, num_vars, num_fit = create_gulp_fields( data, "1body", fields, species_val_fmt, arguments=arguments, fitting_data=fitting_data, ) total_flags += num_vars fitting_flags += num_fit output.extend(field_lines) # two-body bond parameters output.append("#") output.append("# Two-Body Parameters") output.append("#") fields = { "reaxff2_bo": [ "reaxff2_bo1", "reaxff2_bo2", "reaxff2_bo3", "reaxff2_bo4", "reaxff2_bo5", "reaxff2_bo6", ], "reaxff2_bond": [ "reaxff2_bond1", "reaxff2_bond2", "reaxff2_bond3", "reaxff2_bond4", "reaxff2_bond5", ], "reaxff2_over": ["reaxff2_over"], "reaxff2_pen": ["reaxff2_pen1", "global.reaxff2_pen2", "global.reaxff2_pen"], "reaxff2_morse": [ "reaxff2_morse1", "reaxff2_morse2", "reaxff2_morse3", "reaxff2_morse4", "reaxff2_morse5", "reaxff2_morse6", ], } def reaxff2_bo_args(bodata): if bodata["reaxff2_bo7"] <= 0.001 and bodata["reaxff2_bo8"] <= 0.001: return "" elif bodata["reaxff2_bo7"] > 0.001 and bodata["reaxff2_bo8"] > 0.001: return ( "over bo13" ) # correct for overcoordination using f1 and 1-3 terms using f4 and f5 elif bodata["reaxff2_bo7"] > 0.001 and bodata["reaxff2_bo8"] <= 0.001: return "bo13" # correct for 1-3 terms using f4 and f5 elif bodata["reaxff2_bo7"] <= 0.001 and bodata["reaxff2_bo8"] > 0.001: return "over" # correct for overcoordination using f1 return "" arguments = { "reaxff2_bo": reaxff2_bo_args, "reaxff2_bond": ["kcal"], "reaxff2_pen": ["kcal"], "reaxff2_morse": ["kcal"], } conditions = {"reaxff2_pen": lambda s: s["reaxff2_pen1"] > 0.0} field_lines, num_vars, num_fit = create_gulp_fields( data, "2body", fields, species_val_fmt, conditions, arguments=arguments, fitting_data=fitting_data, ) total_flags += num_vars fitting_flags += num_fit output.extend(field_lines) # three-body parameters output.append("#") output.append("# Three-Body Parameters") output.append("#") fields = { "reaxff3_angle": [ "reaxff3_angle1", "reaxff3_angle2", "reaxff3_angle3", "reaxff3_angle4", "reaxff3_angle5", "reaxff3_angle6", ], # TODO reaxff3_angle6 is taken from a global value, if not present, # need to find out what this value is, so it can be set in the input data "reaxff3_penalty": ["reaxff3_penalty"], "reaxff3_conjugation": [ "reaxff3_coa1", "global.reaxff3_coa2", "global.reaxff3_coa3", "global.reaxff3_coa4", ], "reaxff3_hbond": [ "reaxff3_hbond1", "reaxff3_hbond2", "reaxff3_hbond3", "reaxff3_hbond4", ], } arguments = { "reaxff3_angle": ["kcal"], "reaxff3_penalty": ["kcal"], "reaxff2_pen": ["kcal"], "reaxff3_conjugation": ["kcal"], "reaxff3_hbond": ["kcal"], } conditions = { "reaxff3_angle": lambda s: s["reaxff3_angle2"] > 0.0, "reaxff3_conjugation": lambda s: abs(s["reaxff3_coa1"]) > 1.0e-4, } field_lines, num_vars, num_fit = create_gulp_fields( data, "3body", fields, species_val_fmt, conditions, arguments=arguments, fitting_data=fitting_data, ) total_flags += num_vars fitting_flags += num_fit output.extend(field_lines) # four-body parameters # TODO there seems to be an issue when flagging more than one torsion variable for fitting # the dump file just shows the first flagged variable as 1, then subsequent as 0 output.append("#") output.append("# Four-Body Parameters") output.append("#") fields = { "reaxff4_torsion": [ "reaxff4_torsion1", "reaxff4_torsion2", "reaxff4_torsion3", "reaxff4_torsion4", "reaxff4_torsion5", ] } arguments = {"reaxff4_torsion": ["kcal"]} field_lines, num_vars, num_fit = create_gulp_fields( data, "4body", fields, species_val_fmt, arguments=arguments, fitting_data=fitting_data, ) total_flags += num_vars fitting_flags += num_fit output.extend(field_lines) output.append("") return "\n".join(output), total_flags, fitting_flags
[docs]def create_gulp_fields( data, data_type, fields, species_val_fmt, conditions=None, arguments=None, fitting_data=None, ): """Create a subsection of the gulp output file.""" if conditions is None: conditions = {} if arguments is None: arguments = {} num_of_variable = 0 num_fit = 0 output = [] for field in sorted(fields): keys = fields[field] subdata = {} for indices in sorted(data[data_type]): num_of_variable += len(keys) local_keys = [ k for k in keys if not k.startswith("global.") and k != "reaxff3_angle6" ] if not set(data[data_type][indices].keys()).issuperset(local_keys): continue if field in conditions: try: satisfied = conditions[field](data[data_type][indices]) except KeyError: continue if not satisfied: continue species = [ "{:7s}".format(data["species"][int(i)]) for i in indices.split(INDEX_SEP) ] if len(species) == 3: # NOTE Here species1 is the pivot atom of the three-body like term. # This is different to LAMMPS, where the pivot atom is the central one! species = [species[1], species[0], species[2]] values = [ format_gulp_value(data, data_type, indices, k, species_val_fmt) for k in keys if k != "reaxff3_angle6" ] if fitting_data is not None: num_fit += sum( [ 1 if v in fitting_data.get(data_type, {}).get(indices, []) else 0 for v in keys ] ) values += [ "1" if v in fitting_data.get(data_type, {}).get(indices, []) else "0" for v in keys ] if field in arguments and isinstance(arguments[field], list): args = " ".join(arguments[field]) elif field in arguments: args = arguments[field](data[data_type][indices]) else: args = "" line = " ".join(species + values) lines = textwrap.wrap(line, 78) if len(lines) > 2: raise IOError( "the line cannot be coerced to fit within the 80 character limit: {}".format( line ) ) elif len(lines) > 1: subdata.setdefault(args, []).append("{} &".format(lines[0])) subdata.setdefault(args, []).append(" {}".format(lines[1])) else: subdata.setdefault(args, []).append(line) for args in sorted(subdata.keys()): output.append(field + " " + args if args else field) output.extend(subdata[args]) return output, num_of_variable, num_fit
[docs]def format_gulp_value(data, data_type, indices, key, species_val_fmt): """Format values, using GULP specific conversions.""" if key.startswith("global."): data_type, key = key.split(".") value = data[data_type][key] else: value = data[data_type][indices][key] if key == "reaxff2_bo3": # If reaxff2_bo3 = 1 needs to be set to 0 for GULP since this is a dummy value value = 0.0 if abs(value - 1) < 1e-12 else value elif key == "reaxff2_bo5": # If reaxff2_bo(5,n) < 0 needs to be set to 0 for GULP since this is a dummy value value = 0.0 if value < 0.0 else value elif key == "reaxff1_radii3": # TODO, this wasn't part of the original script, and should be better understood # but without it, the energies greatly differ to LAMMPS (approx equal otherwise) value = 0.0 if value > 0.0 else value return species_val_fmt.format(value)